Aero-Flight Test Data
I had made note of the fact that our test data on the Aero-Flight vanes is available by request. But now that I have gotten that information about tuning posted, I wanted to make our test data easier to access.
In its simplest boiled down form here it all is so far. Testing of course continues.
Arrow Velocity @ Bow
fps=Feet per Second
Aero-Flights = 170 fps avg.
Blazer = 170 fps avg.
Spin-Wings=172 fps avg.
Arrow Velocity @ 30 Yards
Aero-Flights = 164 fps avg.
Blazer = 162 fps avg
Spin-Wings=164 fps avg.
Vane Length, Height & Weight
Aero-Flights 2”
6 grains
Blazer 2”
6 grains
Spin-Wings 2.75”
3 grains
Drop Test Aero–Flights vs Bohning Blazer
Negative Value = Aero-Flight hit lower than Blazer
Positive Value = Airfoil hit higher than Blazer
Rounded to nearest 0.25”
Yards Drop
10) -1.25”
15) -1.00”
20) 0.00”
25) +0.75”
30) +1.00”
35) +1.75”
40) +3.25”
Drop Test Aero-Flights Aero vs Spin Wings
Negative Value = Aero-Flight hit lower than Spin-Wings
Positive Value = Airfoil hit higher than Spin-Wings
Yards Drop
10) 00.0”
15) 00.0”
20) 00.0”
25) 00.0
30) 00.0
35) 00.0
40) 00.0
Rate of Rotation
° /” = Degrees per Inch Travel
° / ‘= Degrees per Foot Travel
°/’ X fps = Degrees per Second
(°/’ X fps) / 360° = Revolutions per Second
[ (°/’ X fps) / 360°] X 60 = Revolution per Minute.
rpm = Revolution per Minute
Aero Flights
Aero-Flights installed straight fletch
Speed @ Bow 170 fps
Speed @ 30 yds 164 fps
Rotation = 124° in 12” @ 30 yds
Rotation = 3389 rpm
Blazers installed 2° offset angle fletch
Speed @ Bow 170 fps
Speed @ 30 yds 162 fps
Rotation = 100° in 3” @ 30 yds
Rotation = 2700 rpm
Spin Wing
Spin-Wings installed straight fletch
Speed @ Bow 172 fps
Speed @ 30 yds 166 fps
Rotation = 90° in 12” @ 30 yards
Rotation = 2490 rpm
Mike Windemuller
How do they shoot of the shelf?